Ground Anchor for Belayer


Ground Anchor for Belayer • • • Key Points of Ground Belay Anchor: • Make the ABC (Anchor, Belayer, Climber's first protection) as straight as possible. • Build a solid ground anchor. Consider cracks, boulders, trees. • Attach the anchor to the front of the harness, belay loop is best. • Use an assisted braking belay device if added safety is needed. • Consider giving a soft catch by adding some slack in the system. • • ---------- • Although Rock Climb will have more than 100 videos (7 hours+ of content), the program is designed to include maximum information in a concise way that is easy to understand and assimilate. For that reason most chapters are built on the knowledge acquired in previous ones (e.g., Rope Basics → Top-Roping → Lead Climbing → Sport Climbing → Trad. Climbing). • ---------- • Rock climbing is fun but there is an element of risk. In some situations if you are not careful, the chances of serious injury or death are very real. A safety oriented mindset is essential. • The right attitude includes not thinking that just by watching videos and reading articles you will become a safe and experienced climber. Experience comes with practice. Practice means making occasional mistakes and learning from them. • We believe qualified in-person training should be the main way of learning and progressing in rock climbing. A good mentor, guide or teacher will make learning as safe as it can be, by assessing your level and every situation. • Our videos are meant to inform and entertain. Although our videos can be very helpful, they are not meant to replace in-person teaching by a qualified professional, nor they are meant to replace reading and understanding the instructions and manuals of rock climbing equipment—which we strongly advise you to do. (Manufacturers recommendations occasionally change, and it is a good idea to stay updated by visiting their websites.) • Have fun and be safe out there!


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