Introduction to waves Mechanical waves and sound Physics Khan Academy
Loudness of the sound depends on the amplitude of the of the Sound. Different amplitude means different Loudness. Loudness is directly proportional to the amplitude of the sound. The sound is perceived as louder if the amplitude increases, and softer if the amplitude decreases. • ============================================================ • 🎯Join our live classes to experience the most amazing small group classes, with lots of fun and interaction with your teacher and classmates. • • ✔️To book FREE DEMO Class : • ✔️To know more, visit • #amplitudeandloudness #sound #class8science #learnwithlido • ✅ In this video, • ✔️ Class: 8th • ✔️ Subject: Physics • ✔️ Chapter: Sound (Chapter 13) • ✔️ Topic Name: Amplitude and Loudness • ============================================================ • Amplitude and Loudness, Sound, Class 8 Physics Chapter 13, Loudness, Amplitude, Amplification, Amplifier, Audible and Inaudible differences, 20KHZ, Bat audible frequency, Dog Audible frequency, amplitude and decibels, amplitude of sound, amplitude of sound waves, amplitude of sound class 8, amplitude of sound wave formula, amplitude of sound unit, amplitude of sound wave depends on, amplitude of a sound wave, amplitude and sound, amplitude and loudness of sound, amplitude of sound class 9, characteristics of sound amplitude, amplitude of sound definition class 8