Bonhoeffer on Leadership


In this short six minute film, Peter Baron discusses a possible Christian Thought (H573/3) exam question: Bonhoeffer's most significant teaching is on leadership , Discuss. Use it as a basis for your essay plan or to generate a discussion on how best to handle this question. • Notes: • Bonhoeffer’s most significant teaching is on leadership. Discuss • What was Bonhoeffer’s teaching on leadership? • must radically refuse to allow the leader to become the idol • the leader is the servant • the leader has authority from God ‘alone before God’ • Leaders or offices which set themselves up as gods mock God and must perish. • the leader becomes dangerous when people project their idea of messiahship onto them and see the leader as saviour • believed Hitler had become the ‘misleader’ • • Bonhoeffers’ teaching on discipleship • not cheap grace but costly grace. Cheap grace is grace without the cost without sacrifice and discipline. Costly grace is ‘costly because it cost the life of his son’. • key verse ‘those who would come after me must leave self behind, take up their cross and follow me’. Luke 9 v 23 • linked to a new monasticism as a ‘living protest against the secularisation of Christianity and the cheapening of grace’ • the rich young man of Matthew 19 v 16-22 • a. Jesus’ “commandment is plain and straightforward: “Follow me.” b. “First the young man must go and sell all that he has and give to the poor, and then come and follow. Discipleship is the end, voluntary poverty the means. c. “The life of discipleship is not the hero-worship we would pay to a good master, but obedience to the Son of God.” • Faith always includes radical obedience to the way of the cross • The connection between the two • It seems Bonhoeffer’s theology of servanthood comes first • The radical call to obedience with sacrifice informs the teaching on leadership • Leaders serve the community • It is pride that stops the rich young man following Christ • “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” (Bonhoeffer, 89) • Most significant to whom and for what? • Bonhoeffer is calling Christians to a radical new lifestyle • He is asking Christians to become visible to the world • Bonhoeffer’s relevance today is that even though we are not facing an evil dictator we are still facing global life or death issues such as climate change and nuclear holocaust • If we believe it is Christianity which needs to revive then t is his more general teaching on discipleship that is arguably more relevant • Conclusion • Our conclusion must engage with the question and give some content both to Bonhoeffer’s teaching and also what is meant by the key word ‘significant’ • You can extract more ideas quotations and arguments from the peed website or going to our revision guide available through the website. • More information can be found on


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