Casting into High Winds How To


ORVIS fly fishing instructor Peter Kutzer explains how to compensate for high wind while fly casting. Whenever there's any kind of wind, your first priority should always be safety. Always be aware of where your fly is, and make sure that you are not endangering yourself or anyone else. • The next thing to consider is the wind direction because this will determine how you need to cast in order to counteract the wind's effect on your fly line. If the wind is blowing directly into your casting shoulder, you need to figure out how to keep the fly away from your head and neck. If it's blowing against your off shoulder, you need to adjust your presentation for accuracy. A head-on wind requires a tight loop, and a tailwind calls for an oval cast. • Practice all of these methods and you'll find that a stiff breeze won't be a problem when you're on the water. For more resources to improve your fly fishing skills, visit our other online resources. • Subscribe for all our great videos: • Check us out on Facebook: • Visit our Information Packed Website: • • #fishing #fish #fishingvideos #fishingchannel #flyfishing #troutfishing #trout #bassfishing


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