How to Breed CrayfishCrawfish in a Pond Part 2 🦞


How I prepare my Pond after winter, testing pH value. The Air Pump I use for oxygen. What I feed them etc. A 4 min. tutorial that I hope will be helpful to anyone planning to start a Crayfish farm. • Check my other pond videos for more how-to guides. • I put in the swedish Noble Crayfish (flodkräfta) they are red listed, only 5% remains in swedish lakes and rivers. The imported north american signal crayfish and red swamp crawfish carry a fungus so lethal to indigenous crayfish that it has nearly wiped them out. Signal crayfish and red swamp crawfish are now forbidden to put out in any swedish water. • If you like what I do here and want to support the channel click that subscribe button. • Del 2: Tips på hur du sköter om ditt kräftvatten. • #breed #crayfish #pond


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