Little Bill Brings A Wasp to SchoolGroundedPD🐝
Little Bill BRINGS A BEE TO ATTACK MISS MARTIN!🐝😓 • • SHORT STORY🔻 • Little Bill is bored at school and decides to make a deal with a bee and it goes down for Miss Martin but, it goes way down for him too.......What comes next in the future? Stay tuned......... • REQUEST WINNER!!!!🔻 • Vickie Tyler Kay - / @vickietyler4359 • SHOUT OUT WINNERS!!!!🔻🙌 • Rosie green - • MadlyWasHere- • QUICK INFORMATION!📝🔻 • Make sure to SMASH the Like button, feel free to hit the Subscribe Button, and if your enjoying the channel, hit the bell button next to the subscribe button to be notified for when my videos come out. Also, if you have any request, please send me them, I'll greatly appreciate your request and I'll pick the one that has the most likes and when the request is chosen, I'll give a shout out to the person of the request! :) • MUSIC USED IN VIDEO!🔻🎵 • ---------------------------------------------------------- • LINK TO MUSIC: Xtravulous - ☁️Clouds: