ANUBIS Death Rebirth Life


Anubis, his greek translation which means to decay, originally known as Anpu, and Wepwawet, is the Egyptian god of mummification, funerary rites, guardian of tombs, and guide to the afterlife, he is also known to help lost souls. His association with the Jackal comes from the wild dogs and Jackal's that would congregate around certain tombs. He is known to be Wepwawet, the Egyptian god of warfare and death. Wepwawet is depicted as a Jackal headed man, the name means 'opener of ways'. He is known to guide the deceased through the underworld, and is associated with mummification and funeral rites. He is considered to be a warrior deity. Anubis was seen more associated with funeral rites and embalming, Wepwawet was seen as a guide and protector of the deceased on their journey after death. Wepwawet is considered to be an aspect of Anubis. In this journey we honor both aspects, the wise and solemn holder of sacred wisdom , tombs and the afterlife, and fierce protector and guide. Anubis holds a very special place in my heart, and my pantheon. My experiences with him over the years have given me motivation, energy when I had none, healing wisdom when I've been lost, and deep knowledge, visions and dreams of the afterlife and the dead. He is like a personal life coach when you get close to him. He is a beautiful deity, absolutely ferocious about who and what he protects, very calming and full of secrets. I have seen the use of Ipos' sigil for Anubis as many attest that Anubis' aspect among the Goetic pantheon is Ipos. I have felt Anubis while working with Ipos in the past. Their voice even sounds the similar. To me they feel seperate, but very similar. • Embrace Anubis if you feel called, within and without. With Love and gratitude, I thank you Anubis. • • Anubis may I receive your knowledge and wisdom = Anubis, hal yomkinni al-husool 'ala hikmatak wa ma'rifatak • Anubis god of the dead I welcome you = Anubis, ilah al-amwat, arhab bik • Anubis I honor you = Anubis, akramak • Anubis reveal the secrets of the dead to me = Anubis ik-shif lee as-rar al-am-wat • Anubis I thank you = Anubis, ashkurok • Use Headphones • • All content made by me, Ryan Benjamin. • Copyright Ryan Benjamin. • • #ryanbenjamin #anubis #anpu #wepwawet #ipos #duat #death #rebirth #life #necromancer #necromancy #sacredchants #egyptianmythology #spiritcaller #beauty #spiritualgrowth #mantrachanting #chaos #empowerment #divinemasculine #daat #abyss #draconian #infernal #demonic #darkness #love #freedom #kundaliniawakening #meditation #blackmagic #blackflame #kundalini #darkness #witchcraft #magick #lefthandpath #spirituality #spiritual #spiritualawakening #thirdeye #rootchakra #crownchakra #treeofknowldege #heartchakra #kabalah #occult #acsension


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