suriya kiraganam today Where to Watch Solar Eclipse tamil news


While we're set to say goodbye to 2019, a celestial treat is waiting for you just ahead of the New Year celebrations. It's happening a day after you celebrate Christmas and is the time when the Moon will eclipses the Sun to form a “ring of fire” in the sky. The last solar eclipse of 2019 -- or what we can simply call the final solar eclipse (called “surya grahan” in Hindi) of the year -- is taking place on Thursday, December 26, and will be visible in places such as India, Australia, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore. Instead of a total solar eclipse, the passing of the Sun's light from the Moon will form an annular solar eclipse. • What is an annular solar eclipse? • Generally, when the new Moon intersects the light of the Sun, it brings a total solar eclipse on Earth. But it won't be the case this time as the Moon is presently quite farther than average from Earth and once it will cross the Sun, a “negative shadow” or what technically called the antumbra will become visible in the form of the ring of fire. This is known as an annular eclipse. • When is the solar eclipse in December, timings? • According to the details available on Norway-based, the annular solar eclipse 2019 will be visible from most of Asia including South India as well as certain parts of North/ East Africa and North/ West Australia. The partial eclipse will appear at the first location at 7:59:53am IST on Thursday, December 26. It will after that reach the full eclipse stage at 9:04:33am IST and then move to the maximum eclipse position at 10:47:46am IST. Moreover, the solar eclipse will last for a maximum of three minutes and 40 seconds. People in Britain and North America won't be able to see the annular solar eclipse 2019 on the ground. • • • tamil news today •    / @redpixnews24x7   • • For More tamil news, tamil news today, latest tamil news, kollywood news, kollywood tamil news Please Subscribe to red pix 24x7 • red pix 24x7 is online tv news channel and a free online tv grahan 2019, surya grahan tamil, surya grahan 2019 december, suriya kiraganam today, hanuman jayanti 2019 in tamil nadu, tomorrow surya grahan timings, surya grahan december 2019 in india, tomorrow surya grahan, tomorrow, tomorrow eclipse, tomorrow surya grahan timing in tamilnadu, tomorrow surya grahan timing in tamilnadu, tomorrow surya grahan timing in tamilnadu in tamil, sooriya giraganam, what is solar eclipse, suryagrahan in december 2019, surya grahan 2019 in india,


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