Leopard Shark Fishing In San Francisco Bay
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=EVpRLB8xb18
Baby shark? or Leopard shark? Either way it was a day of sharks. Twuan and Julio from the Yessir Outdoors team took off to the San Francisco Bay and went to have some fun doing catch and release with Leopard sharks. Fishing with squid and heavy gear, these very cool looking sharks can put up a good pull when reeling these fish in. They look cute but remember they are still sharks and they definitely bite. So if you decide to go out make sure you are careful. Outside of that, it definitely is a great time to be by the ocean and pulling in one of the most beautiful looking sharks, at least in my opinion.Yessir!!! • • .******* STAY CONNECTED******* • Like us on Facebook: / yessiroutdoors • • Follow us on Instagram: / yessiroutdoors • • Subscribe and Like our videos on YouTube • • *******BE AN ORGAN DONOR********* • We at Yessir Outdoors are advocates for individuals to consider prior to burial to arrange to donate your organs to give another person a better chance and quality of life. • Millions of people are at a disadvantage in the quality of living from not being able to eat or experience very simple things in life and you donating your organs will be a blessing to many. • Even more personal one of the members of Yessir Outdoors currently is a going to dialysis because of kidney disease that is at the final and or end stage before death and is in need of a kidney transplant. So this a call to whomever that is drawn to help save the life of one we hold dear MarTwuan Crawford. • 1. FOR GENERAL DONATION- Go to your local DMV and when you got to renew your driver license or ID card please click YES on being a donor. • 2. FOR BEING A LIVING DONOR FOR OUR BROTHER- this link take you to where you can sign up • https://www.stanfordhealthcarelivedon... • #LeopardSharkFishingInSanFranciscoBay • #leopardsharkfishing • #leopardshark • #shark • #yessiroutdoors • #yessir • #sharkfishing • #Sharks • #babyshark • #wildlife • #SharkFishing • #sanfanciscobay