Fuel blending and increasing of gasoline octane number

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More details - https://globecore.com. Fuel blending. Every motorist knows the simple truth: the higher the octane number of gasoline, the better and more expensive is the fuel. This number describes the ability of the fuel to combust in the engine. • Motor design is tailored for certain fuel, gasoline, in this case. Vehicles come in different sizes and use gasoline with different octane numbers. It is much simpler to buy the correct fuel for correct compression that to move cylinder head. • How is the required octane number reached? There are several techniques. Analysis of gasoline production components shows that the required pressure of saturated vapor may be adjusted by changing the amount of butane. The task of achieving the required octane number is made simpler by adding lead compounds to gasoline, such as tetraethyl lead and tetramethyl lead. Other additives may be used, including ethanol, methanol, tert-butyl alcohol and methyl-tert-butyl ester. • Thus, compounding includes: • 1. Production of market gasoline using crude material and adding the necessary components according to certain formulations; • 2. Increasing octane number of market gasoline by mixing additives and components in the amounts required. • Teh USB compounding (blending) unit made by GlobeCore is designed for the production of market gasoline at refineries and POL storage facilities by compounding the components, and also for pumping of gasoline, light oil fractions and other components. • There is a range of blending units currently developed and serially produced by GlobeCore (USB-18, USB-20, USB-60, USB-100, USB-150) to compound fuels or any other liquid components (two to seven liquids) continuously, including additives of vegetable origin. The throughput of the units ranges from 17 to 150 m3/hour. • Using the USB blending systems has the following advantages: • reduction of storage volume use; • reduction of labor cost of the number of service personnel; • increased production rate; • improved equipment efficiency; • simplified mixing. • The USB units can increase the octane number of gasoline by injection and ultrasonic effects. The resulting blend does not separate for 180 days. • More about fuel blending technology: https://blending.globecore.com. • Visit our groups in the social networks: •   / globecoregmbh   •   / globecore   •   / globecorecom   • https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Globecore


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