World Marselan Day 2024 Party in Beijing
World Marselan Day partnered with The Merchants in Beijing for a tasting of more than 40 wines from across China, including Marselan pet-nat and natural wine. • And with brands from top regions like Ningxia, Hebei and Shandong, and sub-regions within those regions, like Yinchuan, Qingtongxia and Yongning in Ningxia, there was plenty of comparative tasting. Add a nice outdoor setting, a DJ playing funky tunes and a diverse crowd, and it was a fun afternoon of wine tasting. • (I began World Marselan Day in 2018 with the aim of encouraging more consumers to give wine a chance and am happy to see people not only enjoy the events but also ask about buying bottles in a market where sales are not easy.) • We are also planning something with Wine to Asia in Shenzhen next month. • #worldmarselanday #世界马瑟兰日 #世界马瑟兰节 #grapewallofchina #马瑟兰 #葡萄围城