MV ELRIS엘리스 Pow Pow
[MV] ELRIS(엘리스) _ Pow Pow • *English subtitles are now available. • (Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function) • [Notice] 1theK YouTube is also an official channel for the MV, and music shows will count the views from this channel too. • [공지] 1theK YouTube는 MV를 유통하는 공식 채널로, 1theK에 업로드된 MV 조회수 또한 음악방송 순위에 반영됩니다. • :: iTunes : • [ELRIS] • The five girls’ ‘ELRIS’ who was telling ‘Hear I am’ shyly has come back with ‘Color Crush’ album. Technically that's a fancy come back. . • At this album, there's a title song ‘Pow Pow’ that seems pretty colorful and other five songs. They have showed two of them, ‘Farewell’ and ‘Midnight, moonlight’ in advance. They made their fans pay more attention to them and have high expectations about their album by showing what they have. • #1theK#원더케이#Newrelease#ELRIS#엘리스#Pow_Pow • ▶1theK FB : / 1thek • ▶1theK TW : / 1thek • ▶1theK Kakao : • [엘리스] • • “ELRIS, Hear I am”을 말하는 수줍음 많던 다섯 소녀가 [Color Crush] 를 발매하며 화려하게 돌아왔다. • • 이번 앨범에는 더욱 풍성한 컬러감이 느껴지는 타이틀곡 [Pow Pow]를 비롯해 총 6곡이 수록되었다. 그 중 [짝이별]과 [Midnight, moonlight]을 영상을 선공개해 팬들의 이목을 집중 시키고 다양한 매력을 미리 보여주며 앨범의 기대감을 높였다.