ModifiedMadigan Squeeze Procedure for Neonatal Maladjustment Syndrome in Goat Kids


This video shows the steps to applying a modified-Madigan squeeze procedure for neonatal maladjustment syndrome (aka dummy kid syndrome) in goat kids. This procedure is most successful if done within the first 24-48 hours of birth. • After 10 minutes--about the same time a goat kid would spend in the birth canal--the rope is loosened and the squeeze pressure released. Within minutes to hours the goat kids are often found to be more active and nursing with a strong suckle. • This procedure should be done under the direction and advice of your veterinarian but when done promptly and properly it can be used to avoid having to provide around-the-clock bottle or tube feeding and intensive care for neonatal goat kids that may not be thriving in the first 24-48 hours of life. • If you would like more detailed information on the pathophysiology behind how the Madigan Foal Squeeze works you can visit this link below: •


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