What Is Living inside a Big Beer Belly I Dr Robert Cassar
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What Is Living Inside A Big Beer Belly? Have You Wondered What’s Living In The Belly of a Male, Female or Child that has a Distended Belly? • Could it be possible that the “Huge Abdominal Belly” is a huge infestation of creatures we call Parasites and / or Toxicity that the parasites live in? • I lost 40 pounds of FAT, PARASITES, TOXICITY, and really rebuilt my body and mind over a few years of using all of the Terrain Modification Protocols, Practices and Principles. • Go to eartheracademy.com • This distended belly has been called many a name from a ''Beer Belly'' , ''Wheat Belly'', ''Dunlap's disease'' Dun Lapped over your Belt Disease, Obesity, same as an 8 month Pregnant Belly male or female, Parasitic Infection, Belly Toxicity, Chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract, Intestinal Clogging, IBS and Sickness of the Intestines and many more. • This is a severe epidemic around the planet but mostly affected is in Mexico has 33% of the population is obese and the USA has 32% of the population is obese and many other countries are following the same dysfunction with there food/water/chemicals/fake foods/fast foods, dehydration, de-mineralization, GMO's, EMF's, ELF's, etc. • What is ''behind the veil'' of the 3-4 inches of body fat in the stomach that pushes out and severely distends the belly? • Are these people ( make or female) pregnant? If they are then what are they pregnant with what? Again inquiring minds want to know. • Could it be possible or probable that they have many parasitic creatures in the intestinal tract that is causing the belly to be full of passengers like the round worms, nematodes, tapeworms, yeast, mold , fungus, the Rope Parasite takes up lots of space in the small intestines. • Also the intestinal tract clog's up with toxic and accumulated debris and has most of the time many pounds of intestinal plaque/accumulation in the small and large intestine of what ever can grow in that toxic and well fed environment. • These parasites eat dead processed foods, cooked carbohydrates, sugar of any kind, dead pasteurized milk and cheese and much more. • These creatures are very elusive and powerful on our emotions and thoughts, feelings, desires and needs. • This is hard for most people to understand that a tiny but very powerful parasite can have so much control over our entire being. • Look at the power that these parasites have on us all. We are the Obese because of the power of the parasites that call us to feed them all the time. • Remember this : • 1) You are not hungry your thirsty. • 2) The ''hunger call'' that you are having is triggered by very strong mind controlling parasites. The Parasites get us to feed them off the processed, high sugar, cooked fake foods/liquids that you know are not good for you but you still do. These Parasites are very powerful indeed. • 3) In time if you learn and practice for 180 days the ''Terrain Modification Principles, Practices and Protocols'' anyone can negotiate these parasites/mineral deficiencies/clogged/ dehydrated bodies very easily and effectively. • Once the body starts to harmonize at a higher level of vibrational and energetic order then you will experience a new beginning in the form of consciousness or awareness from where you are today. • You are what you ''eat, drink, say, hear and do'' so be conscious of that. • En-joy :)) Dr r • PS: The semi-private 21 day Terrain Modification Medically Supervised Retreats are open now on and off all year long. If interested in the Hawaii Adventure Health/Rejuvenation Retreats please contact [email protected] for available dates. • Hi Dr Robert Cassar, thanks for Joining us today. • We are also Your ''DIRECT'' Internet DISCOUNT SUPERSTORE for RAW ORGANIC PLANT BASED GLUTEN FREE - SUPER FOODS and Essential Health Products. (Save up to 70% off Market Retail) • www.EarthShiftProducts.com • Free shipping on orders over $150 and if you are a new customer you will receive ''FREE SHIPPING '' on any amount ordered! (in the continental USA) • Canada is Now available for shipping) We also have 50% off shipping rates to Alaska and all of the Hawaiian Islands. • Join our Student Digital School: • https://eartheracademy.com/get-involved/ • Sign up for our ''Free mailing list'' and receive the Intro to the • ''Earth'er Transformation Digital Workshop Series'' • The information shared here is not on ''YouTube'' or other informative sites. • This is a private learning website dedicated to: • ''Optimization of Health, Wealth and Happiness and Evolution.'' • Describing himself as solar-powered radically driven Healthy Lifestyle Enthusiast on a mission to connect all of humanity with the information that has dynamically changed his own life. • Be sure to check out my Blog at : DrRobertCassar.com • En-Joy your Journey ! • Dr.Robert Cassar • Founder of EarthShiftProducts.com, EarthShiftProject.com Worldwide Community, EartherAcademy.com