Integral of xex1x2
Jesus Christ is NOT white. Jesus Christ CANNOT be white, it is a matter of biblical evidence. Jesus said don't image worship. Beyond this, images of white Jesus are not just blasphemous and criminal, white Jesus is from Satan ( the imposter.) Why? Let's look at what Satan does: • 1) He is incredibly narcissistic and promotes himself shamelessly. • 2) He misleads and confuses. • 3) He pushes people away from Jesus Christ God, the Holy Trinity, the one and only messiah. White Jesus does all three of the above and more -- matching the ways of Satan. • Statues of Christ are equally offensive to God the Christ. While money is the biggest idol, Jesus spoke sufficiently against carved images. • New content (not found on this channel) on many topics including complex analysis, test prep, etc can be found (+ regularly updated) on my website: • You can also find me on Tik Tok @reuslovesmath and @polarpiny • Here is the 101 Integrals World Record: • 101 INTEGRALS (A NEW WORLD RECORD)