MAFS Australia episode 4 Groom’s shock feedback about wife’s looks 2025


#MAFS #MAFSAU #MarriedAtFirstSight #MarriedAtFirstSightAustralia #MAFSUK #TheAustralianInsider • Married At First Sight episode 4: Groom’s shock feedback about wife’s looks. • A MAFS groom who has become Australia’s new favourite villain makes matters worse with some more shock feedback to his heartbroken wife.(recaps) • A Married At First Sight husband takes it upon himself to bluntly inform his wife why he’s not attracted to her – seemingly forgetting that he’s a PE teacher with a nose ring. • Indeed. Another day, another man with no sense of personal style offering unsolicited feedback. • But the most surprising thing about Wednesday night’s episode? We induct a new groom into the freak show – and he too is a P.E teacher with a nose ring, bringing the total tally to two. • The blows keep coming for Katie, who has been rejected and gaslit by her husband Tim – all within their first 12 hours of marriage. He keeps ignoring her. His disdain is palpable. But every time Katie tries to address the tension, Tim denies the issue. • Eventually, over what’s supposed to be a romantic honeymoon meal, he offers some helpful feedback. • “It came up over dinner that Tim’s preference is petite, blonde, short girls. ...Or brunette,” Katie tells us. “This poor guy: he’s got this monster curvy redhead.” • And that’s not all. Tim makes it clear he’s also not keen on his wife’s personality. • “It’s not just looks. I’d even go for quieter women. Or even funny,” he grunts to her. • Katie tries to lighten the mood. • “Should we get nude and run around the forest?” she jokes, staring out the window at the woods. • Tim winces. “You do it. I’ll just put the blinds up.” • We want to rip that nose ring right out of his face. • Speaking of P.E. teachers with nose rings, let’s meet new groom Jake. The only information we retain about him is that he too is a P.E. teacher with a nose ring. Why are Married At First Sight producers trying to normalise this? • Meanwhile, at another wedding across town, we meet Jeff and Rhi. It turns out, they’ve already dated in the real world. • “Ugh!” Jeff scoffs when he lays eyes on his new wife. • “Oh my god!” she squawks. • For a moment, everyone’s confused. • Then one of the groomsmen helpfully fills in the blanks. • “They’ve slept together a few times,” he informs us. • This is the second couple on this year’s season to have dated in the outside world. The experts are experiencing some serious admin errors. Between all the couples who’ve already dated and all the P.E. teachers with nose rings, it’s clear this show needs to go on an indefinite hiatus to let the reservoir replenish. • Up on some random island off the coast of Queensland, Awhina and Adrian are enjoying their honeymoon. Things are going well! A little TOO well. So the experts decide to feck it up by introducing The Sledge Box. • If you’re new to the MAFS universe, here’s a simple explanation: It’s a box filled with inflammatory questions that are written for the sole purpose of causing a fight and provoking each partner to sledge the other with insults. • The first question out of The Sledge Box is about Awhina’s kid. It prompts Adrian to say the worst thing possible. • “I don’t know if I can love your kid as much as my own kids,” he blurts out. • Annnnd that’s how you play The Sledge Box game. • Back at Katie and Tim’s cabin, The Sledge Box isn’t required. The insults are already flowing. • Katie confronts her distant husband about ignoring her. • “I guess we’ll just agree to disagree,” he shrugs. • Katie’s baffled. “Agree to disagree on WHAT?” • The conversation goes around in circles, with Tim playing dumb and dismissing his wife’s concerns. • She points out the fact he keeps talking about how he’s only attracted to “petite blondes” and then HE accuses HER of sabotaging him. • “It’s a bit of a betrayal,” he sniffs. “It makes me question why she’s here.” • The first gaslighting storyline for the year is well underway. • At this point, Katie’s a mess. She runs out onto the gravel driveway and sobs in the dark as fellow guests at Peppers Resort Tasmania look on in confusion. • “This is so unfair. It’s so obvious he’s not into me because of what I am, physically. After years of rejection after rejection after rejection, the common denominator is me. This is a disaster.” • We feel awful for her. This situation is more disgusting than an infected nose ring.


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