OMSI 2 Strathshire Route 28 Digibus Phantom
Hello and welcome back to... hang on.... two OMSI videos in one day?! • Yes it has to be said I wasn't exactly thrilled with the overall quality of the first video... Bad Huegelsdorf seemed a bit laggy and overall quite underwhelming... and I though hey as I only give you one OMSI video a week i'd treat you to another! • In this video we're looking at the Digibus Phantom AKA the Optare Spectra. We're on the Strathshire map driving the route 28, from Strathdon P R into the town centre. It's night time, it's peaceful, and overall a nice evening for a drive. • Those all important links! • Bus: • • Map: • • Repaint: • • I do hope you enjoy the video! Sling a thumbs up our way if you did, and don't forget to subscribe so you never miss out on any OMSI goodness! • Consider donating to my paypal! For as little as £1 you can help me fund new DLC and games to bring you more great videos! •