NIghtmare Alley 1947
THE LEFT HAND ENDEAVOR is what we’re calling our jam packed noir month all March long and we’re delving into all realms of seedy endeavors. Makes sense that a traveling carnival and freak show might have its own share of sheisters and troubled souls. Stan sees a golden road of fame and fortune through trickery. He’ll use up, sleep with and toss aside all those in his path to get what he wants. One day he meets his match and the cries of the chicken loving Geek beckon him. Maybe pretending he could raise the dead was a bit much. We’re talking about the strange and unique 1947 noir from the prolific screenwriter and director Edmund Goulding called “NIGHTMARE ALLEY” starring Tyrone Power, Joan Blondell, Coleen Gray, Helen Walker and more. Hear us explain how this whole story can be told in a 10 page Chick Tract. Here’s a link to a good quality version of it: • Contact us here: [email protected] • Hear us on podcast: • Our OG podcast “Documenteers”: • Soundcloud feed: / documenteers • Twitch: / culturewrought