ObiWan Kenobi narrowly avoided the path to the dark side
Obi-Wan Kenobi narrowly avoided the path to the dark side? • In this video, we delve into the thrilling journey of Obi-Wan Kenobi and how he came perilously close to embracing the dark side of the Force. Explore the moments that put him on the brink of darkness and discover the keywords in his struggle to maintain his Jedi principles. • Useful Links: • • Could a Jedi Master have saved Anakin... • • How Did Yoda and Sidious' Duel Shape ... • If you're a Star Wars fan or just curious about Ahsoka's compelling story, don't miss this video! Hit the like button, subscribe for more insightful Star Wars content, and leave your thoughts in the comments below. May the Force be with you!