Ahsoka amp Anakin amp Padme You are loved

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=EhkwV5VmUk8

HD small screen! Subtitles available, in case music is too loud! • I'll give you everything I have • I'll teach you everything I know • I promise I'll do better • I will always hold you close • But I will learn to let you go • Alternativ titles: Ahsoka the Skywalkers; Padme Anakin parenting Ahsoka for 4 minutes straight; Prove that Ashoka was adopted by Anakin and Padme; Ahsoka Skywalker-Amidala • Guys season 7 is only a week away!! • So this idea had been stuck in my head for a long time. Originally I wanted to explore the relationship between all three of them but it turned in a compilation of Padme and Anakin parenting Ahsoka. Since I already uploaded a Anidala video last week I am fine with that. I did try to include all the scenes that I could find where they are basically like a family, so I did include some conversations between Anakin and Padme. but primarily it focuses on Ahsoka's relationship with them both. • Although Anakin is definitely the number one parent figure in Ahsoka's life I wouldn't say that Padme is number two. But since Anakin and Padme are married I think it is fair to say that she basically her mom. I do want to make a video with all of Ahoska's parents but for now, I used only those two. • Seeing the two actings as parents is one of the things I love in The Clone Wars. It really gives you an idea of the live Luke and Leia could have had. It also shows perfectly how Anakin is incapable of not forming attachment and letting go as well as Padme really wanting to be a mom. Anyway, I love these three together... • I didn't include Darth Vader because I wanted this to be as happy as possible. • All in all I am really happy with the outcome but I am aware that it is not the best editing I ever did. And that is simply because my main focus was on including the whole scenes/conversations. I still tried my best to make it look pretty and feel smooth but yeah, you have been warned. • One last thing: just imagine Leia Skywalker as Ahsokas Padwan. It is not really related to the video but just imagine... • • If you like my videos and want to help me through another allnighter editing I would really appreciate a little donation! Of course, everything I make will still be free to watch and enjoy! And no one should feel obligated to give me anything! • https://ko-fi.com/lilylilie • • Song: Light • Show: The Clone Wars • Fandom: Star Wars • made with: Adobe Premiere Pro • I own nothing except the edit. • #fanvidfeed #viddingisart #skywalkerfamily #ahsokatano #anakinskywalker #padmeamidala


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