The Goldilocks Zone


Earth is in what is known as, The Goldilocks Zone . Everything must be perfect, remove one item from the equation and earth as we know it does not exist. Just to give you an idea of how rare we are, the odds of all of these conditions coming together in one location for earth to exist are 1/1,000,000,000,000,000. • So sorry NASA, but the Red planet, Mars, could not sustain life as we know it. Even if it had provable puddles of water, it could not. Unlike the lie being perpetrated by NASA, that water is all we need to prove life is sustainable, It is well documented that for a planet to sustain human life, certain criteria must be met. Thus the reason that the only water they can claim they found on Mars is in crystals of rock. However, since NASA has been turned into a Muslim outreach program, that also pushes the myth that global warming exists, we are going to need more proof than their computer model to believe that they even found ice crystals on Mars. • However, even if they did find water crystals as they claim, there are other factors that would eliminate Mars from ever having had life as we know it. To sustain life that would be as advanced as us on earth, some of the things needing to be in place include, a planet that is just the right distance from the Sun, it must be protected from harmful solar radiation by its magnetic field, it must be kept warm by an insulating atmosphere, and it must have the right chemical ingredients for life, including water and carbon. The processes that shape the Earth and its environment constantly cycle elements through the planet. This cycling sustains life and leads to the formation of the mineral and energy resources that are some of the foundation needed to sustain a modern technological society. • We learn from the Bible that; • The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. • Genesis 1:2-3 • As for me, my faith in God leaves me to believe that we are alone in the universe. God made us here on earth and no one else, or He would have given us a clue long before secularist scientists questioned His existence. I believe there is more than enough empirical evidence to discount the atheists and the secularist scientists who claim the earth and mankind evolved from nothing. I won't get into a debate over it, because those who disagree will never even accept the evidence. • That is why it ultimately takes faith to believe God exists and Christ, His Son, was crucified and died for our sins. He was resurrected to prove that we too will be resurrected to live eternally with Him. All we need do is believe in Him. John 3:16


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