Raw vs Nitro quotReliving The Warquot Episode 49 September 16th 1996
If you would like to support the channel and my work, please visit Patreon: / wrestling_bios • Official Website: https://www.wrestlingbios.com • Twitter: / wrestlingbios • The date is 9.16.1996, WWF Raw is on the USA Network while WCW Nitro airs live on TNT. Both shows will compete against eachother in another Monday Night battle for TV ratings supremacy, and in this Reliving The War series, we take a look at each segment from each show to see which Monday night wrestling show was truly the best. • It's the night after Fall Brawl 1996 and WCW realise they made a big mistake... they didn't trust Sting. The nWo had their own Sting (known as Bogus Sting, Fake Sting or nWo Sting) and so the real Sting is upset that his peers didn't have any faith in him. This week, Sting will announce he's a free agent. Glacier also makes his long awaited debut this week on Monday Nitro, and every member of the Four Horsemen is in action. • On the WWF Channel, things are still pretty slow. The Intercontinental title tournament semi finals take place this week with Owen Hart vs Marc Mero and Sid vs Faarooq happening on this very show. We also get more information in regards to Bret Hart's return, and the WWF do some last minute promotion for their upcoming In Your House: Mind Games show. • 00:00 - Fall Brawl 96 results • 05:33 - Nitro's first hour • 10:52 - Sultan vs Roberts / Savage vs Norton • 16:04 - Smoking Gunns vs Holly Porteau • 18:43 - Glacier's WCW Nitro debut • 21:56 - Cornette Vader promo • 24:17 - The end of Surfer Sting • 25:49 - Owen Hart vs Marc Mero • 29:02 - Bagwell Jericho vs Anderson Flair • 32:37 - The Main Events • 37:31 - Final Results • #WWF #WCW #WCWNitro