Bubble Point Test Demo by Sterlitech
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Watch our demo on how to test for a membrane filter's bubble point, which is typically performed after flow rate has been tested. Bubble point, the point at which air pushes through the pores of a wetted membrane, relates to the retention characteristics (and pore size) of that membrane. • 0:02 Prepare tester • 0:40 Attach wetted filter • 1:01 Turn up pressure • 1:58 Increase pressure • 2:29 Monitor bubble point • 3:28 Remove filter • 3:48 Close down tester • Sterlitech Membrane Disc Filters • Sterlitech offers a comprehensive selection of polymeric and inorganic membrane filter materials, enabling users to perform everything from solvent filtration to gas venting. • Our pre-cut membrane disc filters are produced using the highest quality manufacturing standards. These filters are designed to increase efficiency, reduce cost, and expand the capabilities of microfiltration applications. • Available membrane disc filters: • MCE Membranes - High protein binding, high flow rate • Silver Membranes - Inorganic, chemical and temperature resistant • Aluminum Oxide Membranes - Inorganic, transparent when wet • Cellulose Acetate Membranes - Low protein binding, high throughput, low extractables • Ceramic Membranes - Inorganic, chemical and temperature resistant • Glass Fiber Filters - High flow rate, high purity, high operating temperatures • Nylon Membranes - Superior strength, high protein binding, chemically compatible • PAN (Polyacrylonitrile) Membranes - Fast flow at low pressures, 6-log bacterial load reduction • PCTE (Polycarbonate) Membranes - Translucent, flat/smooth surface, low non-specific binding. Also available in black, gold, gray and PVP-Free. • PES (Polyethersulfone) Membranes - Low protein binding, durable, uniform results, high throughput, fast flow rate • PETE (Polyester) Membranes - Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic, track-etched pores, flat/smooth surface, solvent resistant, Gold Coated • PE (Polyethylene) Membranes - Highly hydrophobic, excellent chemical resistance, compatible with gamma irradiation sterilization • Polypropylene Nominal Prefilters - Composed of polypropylene fibers with nominal pore size rating • PTFE Membranes - Chemical and pH resistance, laminated or unlaminated • PVDF Hydrophilic Membranes - Hydrophilic, low extractable/protein binding • =========== • We'll disconnect the pressure pot. We'll make sure that everything reads zero so we're safe. I think it is a good idea to open the lid just to make sure that there is no pressure in there. Then we disconnect the pressure line. • By pulling on the flange towards the fitting and then pulling the tube out, we can safely move the pressure pot out of the way. • We'll attach the test fitting back to the end of the outlet tubing. The bubble point tester outlet tubing. • Take our previously flow tested filter. We'll make sure the outlet fitting is facing upward. And we'll attach the wetted filter by screwing it clockwise until it's firm. • We'll turn up the pressure to 50% of the bubble point for a 0.45 mixed cellulose ester membrane. The particular filter that we're testing now, that would probably be the bubble point would probably be somewhere around high twenties to about 30. So we'll turn it up to 15 psi. • First we'll turn the switch on. Then we'll turn this up to 15 psi. • We'll allow that to sit for a moment, approximately 15 seconds. • After it sits for 15 seconds, we'll increase the pressure at approximately a psi minute, which is about a quarter turn a second with the handle. • We'll dab away any water that's in the way on the outside of the filter. And then we'll watch the base of this outlet stem for a bubble to appear and observe that the water will accumulate on the outlet. That's expected. And it's not the bubble point. A bit higher than I would have guessed. • There we go. Did you see the bubble? So that would be the bubble point of the filter, and it's about 48.5 psi. Checking on the gauge, you would now record the bubble point and then release the pressure by turning counterclockwise fairly rapidly until the pressure reads zero. • Now it's safe to remove the filter from the outlet fitting by screwing counterclockwise. You have to hold the fitting while you untwist it. And this filter is now tested. We'll save that if we want to do any further examination to it. • Once the bubble point testing is complete, once you're completed testing all of your filters, you make sure that you have it turned out to read zero. When you turn the gauge off, turn the air supply off, turn the gauge off, and then you're done. • =========== • Interested in Sterlitech membrane filters? Find the right one to meet your application requirements here: https://tinyurl.com/224935zj • For more information, contact us here: https://tinyurl.com/4p4t4d9e or call us at 1-877-544-4420 • #bubblepointtest #bubblepointtesting #membranediscfilter #membranefilter • #membranefiltration #filtration #microfiltration #sterlitech #bestpractice #demo #tutorial