10 Simple Magic Tricks You Can Do At Home
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=EwHa7IjZeOc
'How to' do the epic amazing little finger magic trick. Wow! This is crazy funny magic, if you do it just right... lol. The Reveal: The technique is pretty simple, but you'll need to practice bending your little finger down and covering it to get the magic effect just right. Practice in front of a mirror to see how to make the illusion look amazing. It's actually quite unique and magical, since most people have only seen the remove the thumb trick. • You can substitute just about anything for the nut that is small enough to be hidden in your hand. You will also need to practice throwing up something and catching it in your mouth, but this is a basic juggling and magic skill that you can easily master. Remember, practice makes perfect. Good Luck with the magic. • Your video responses welcome. Show me your creativeness. • *****Czech out My Stuff***** • FUN CHALLENGES: http://tinyurl.com/FunChallenges • BETS, PRANKS, SCAMS: http://tinyurl.com/BetsPranksScams • PUZZLES BRAIN TEASERS: http://tinyurl.com/PuzzleBrainTeaser • EASY MAGIC: http://tinyurl.com/MagicTricksEasy • BEST TRICKS: http://tinyurl.com/BestTricksCollection • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- • *****FOLLOW ME***** • SUBSCRIBE to my channel: http://tinyurl.com/SubscribeEricsurf6 • FACEBOOK: http://tinyurl.com/Ericsurf6 • TWITTER: / ericsurf6 • GOOGLE+: http://tinyurl.com/at4xjxl • EMPIRE AVENUE: http://empireavenue.com/ERICSURF6 • -------------------------------------- • Thanks to Rob King for the Intro. Check out his channel here: • / robkingvideos • --------------------------------------