The global rise of diabetes—and how to prevent it TED Institute


Diabetes is a serious problem that affects hundreds of millions worldwide, and the World Health Organization predicts that by 2030, diabetes will be the 7th leading cause of death*. Also accelerating is the number of people with prediabetes, a little-known condition where the blood sugar level is higher than normal but not yet high enough to be type 2 diabetes. Merck is raising awareness of this global epidemic, along with the good news that prevention is possible with lifestyle changes and monitoring. • *WHO Diabetes Fact sheet, July 2017 • About the TED Institute: We know that innovative ideas and fresh approaches to challenging problems can be discovered inside visionary companies around the world. The TED Institute helps surface and share these insights. Every year, TED works with a group of select companies and foundations to identify internal ideators, inventors, connectors, and creators. Drawing on the same rigorous regimen that has prepared speakers for the TED main stage, TED Institute works closely with each partner, overseeing curation and providing intensive one-on-one talk development to sharpen and fine tune ideas. • Learn more at • • Follow TED Institute on Twitter @TEDPartners • Subscribe to our channel:    / tedinstitute  


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