Ritual Pemakaman Langit di Tibetjenazah sengaja dijadikan makanan burung
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The corpse is eaten by birds, this is the sky burial ritual in Tibet • Usually, when humans die, their bodies will be buried or cremated. However, this does not apply to some Tibetan people. A Tibetan tradition, leaves the bodies of people who have died in the open and eaten by vultures, namely vultures. • When a person died, their body would be wrapped in a white cloth and placed in a corner of the house for three or five days. Then the Bhikkhus or Lamas would read the scriptures aloud so that the souls of those who had died could be released from purgatory. • In carrying out this procession, family members will stop all their activities to create a calm and peaceful environment, so that the soul of the deceased can ascend to heaven. • #tibet #mongolia #pemakamanlangit • ..... ANOTHER STORY ..... • DALIT HARAM COTTON • • FAKTA PERLAKUAN TERHADAP KASTA DALIT ... • The Most Sadistic Case of Underage Psychopaths in the World • • K4sus Ps1kop4t Bawah Umur Paling Sadi... • facts about oiran in Yoshiwara yuukaku • • fakta tentang oiran di Yoshiwara yuukaku • strange and crazy_ritual before the tribal wedding • • aneh dan gila_ritual sebelum pernikah... • the story of Carmen Munoz - the story of the founder of the ex-prostitute camp • • KISAH NYATA CARMEN MUNOZ • source. • google earth pro • https://www.videvo.net/ • channel link / @tiniatv • https://nationalgeographic.grid.id/re... • https://www.kompas.com/tren/read/2020... • https://www.liputan6.com/lifestyle/re... • https://travel.detik.com/internationa... • EMAIL: [email protected] • @THE FOOL JOURNEY