Final Fantasy VII Playthrough 108 Corel Reactor Huge Materia
This is video #108 in my Final Fantasy VII playthrough. After landing at North Corel, the party heads to the Corel Reactor. However, no sooner do they get there and defeat the guards than a train pops out with the Huge Materia! • There is a ten-minute time limit to reach the train engine before the choo-choo crashes into North Corel. On the personal train car, alternate the Triangle and Up buttons to reach the train. If your Exit materia has reached level 2, you can use the Remove magic on the first two enemy groups. With the Wolfmeister and Eagle Gun, you can use Demi and/or Laser to bring their HP down quickly. The last battle is a joke. • When you reach the control car, you can stop the train in several ways. The way that I used was to press Up + Triangle, then Down + X, and finally Down + X. • Thank you for watching! • This video is part of my Final Fantasy VII Playthrough playlist. All characters, story, music, artwork, and other copyrighted and trademarked components of this game are the property of their respective owners. Videos uploaded are educational and commentary in nature, as defined under the 'fair use policy' of copyright. • Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 9.