Build a Stronger Deck Guard Post Connections
A deck’s guard posts are the vertical members along the open sides of the deck that connect the handrails to the framing. In order to provide the required 200 lb. load resistance at the handrail, the post must not only be fastened to the rim joist, but also tied back into the joist framing. Our training manager Sam Marcoux reviews the basic steps for making strong, safe guard post connections. We will highlight the available options to help you select what’s best for your project. • Whether you’re a professional contractor working on a deck project or a homeowner dreaming about your new deck, we’re here to help. Our educational Build a Stronger Deck video series guides you through the most important components of building a safer, stronger deck. Watch the series at • Featured Products: • HTT4 Tension Tie: • • Find a dealer near you! •