(25 Jan 1996) English/Nat • • NATO supreme commander General George Joulwan says he is convinced Russian and NATO forces in the former Yugoslavia are working as one. • • Winding up his visit to Russia, the U-S General added that the Partnership for Peace programme is at least partly responsible for the success. • • Speaking at a news conference at the French Embassy in Moscow, Joulwan said the Partnership for Peace had set a good foundation for the current joint operation in the Balkans. • • But he made no mention of the most complicated issue facing Russian-NATO relations - the possible eastward expansion of the military alliance. A move which Russia is vehemently opposed. • • SOUNDBITE: (English) • I think that the entire Partnership for Peace program and the exercises that took place here and in the United States have really set a good foundation for what we are seeing now in Bosnia -- not just for Russian participation, but for all the other nations. There are 27 nations now that are part of the Partnership for Peace. Most of them are now included in the I-FOR, to include Russia. We set out this concept to years ago. We said how do we establish the conditions to try to train the common standards procedures and doctrine. That was two years ago after the January summit. Just for such a contingency as we see in Bosnia. And now that is happening. And now the forces that are deploying are trained to these common standards and procedures and therefore we have a higher probability for success. • SUPER CAPTION: General George Joulwan, NATO Supreme Allied Commander • • Joulwan says every effort is being made to protect IFOR troops. • • SOUNDBITE: (English) • Every effort is being made that force protection of the I-FOR is happening. There are several things being done on the security to ensure that our forces take the necessary precautions where they are bivouacked and as they conduct their normal operations. There is also intelligence gathering going on to make sure that we continue to try to find anyone, any terrorist or terrorist group that threaten our forces. • SUPER CAPTION: General George Joulwan, NATO Supreme Allied Commander • • The General says Russian and American troops in Bosnia are working well together. • • SOUNDBITE: (English) • What we are trying to do now is cooperate, not confrontation but cooperation. • SUPER CAPTION: General George Joulwan, NATO Supreme Allied Commander • • Earlier Joulwan said that the issue of NATO expansion is a matter for politicians to decide - not military commanders like him. • • Find out more about AP Archive: • Twitter: / ap_archive • Facebook: / aparchives • Instagram: / apnews • • • You can license this story through AP Archive: