Como quitar las manchas de vino tinto Método infalible 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


Knowing how to remove red wine stains effectively is not as obvious and as simple as it may seem, because you have to know the nature and chemical behavior of the natural colorants that are included in red wine and are called anthocyanins. • So in order to attack the problem correctly and remove red wine stains, especially if they are already dry, it is necessary to apply a procedure based on the chemistry of the anthocyanins, by transforming them into colorless compounds, making the stains disappear. full. • In this video, you will learn everything you need to know how to eliminate red wine stains, and you can also see the incredible behavior of anthocyanins through an experiment designed to visualize it completely. • This method is used to remove red wine stains in both white clothes and heat • In this video, I show you how to do it effectively and safely, with a method based on the reactions of the anthocyanins, and their behavior at different ph, as well as their oxidation turning them into chalcones or chalcones, which are colorless. With this method, you will literally destroy the spots by attacking them selectively and relatively quickly. • Come by our Amazon store, where you can find all the products that I recommend and many curious things, click on this link • • • Do you have questions? Here I answer them • • Visit our blog •


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