WoW Classic Original Vanilla 112 Graphics vs quotClassicquot Graphics


A graphical comparison of WoW Classic 1.13 and WoW 1.12.1. • The WoW Classic client is using the Classic settings and the original Vanilla WoW client is using max settings (except AA, which is not used in the Classic preset either). • The reason for the video being 4:3 is that the WoW 1.12 engine did not support native widescreen resolutions (unlike the new WoW Classic client, which supports native widescreen rendering). To be able to make a good split-screen comparison I had to record both clients in 4:3 resolution, otherwise the recording would be zoomed in on the 1.12 client. • There are subtle differences, but the most obvious difference is the change in lighting, which you should easily be able to see in the video. There are other smaller differences as well: • The text on the login screen has been updated • There are less particles for some effects, like the cauldron at 2:03 in the video. • The fire effect is slightly different. • The draw distance seems to be slightly lower than in 1.12. This goes for both terrain and objects, which is why some objects in the video might appear on one screen, but not the other. However, most of the objects are missing because it is running in a sandbox server. • Somehow the effect in Caverns of Time is messed up (choppy and jerky movement), perhaps this has implications other places as well. • Some leaves, trees, and other objects usually appear fuller than in 1.12. • The lava is more detailed than in 1.12. • Water has a slightly different color. • As this is pre-launch things are of course subject to change, though I suspect most of this will remain mostly as is. There are of course no NPCs or gameobjects because the WoW Classic 1.13 client is using a simple sandbox server.


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