Numerical vs Analytical Methods Numerical Methods
What is the difference between numerical and analytical methods is the topic of this video. While analytical methods are about using proven logical steps to achieve an exact answer, numerical methods is approximating an answer through iterations. • Updated version of this video: • Numerical vs Analytical Methods: Unde... • The following timeline is meant to aid your understanding of the difference between Numerical and Analytical Methods: • 0:00 Introduction. • 0:09 What are numerical methods? • 0:44 Analytical methods definition. • 1:24 Numerical methods definition. • 1:56 Numerical methods example. • 2:24 Outro • Follow Support StudySession: • / studysessionyt • • Email Us: [email protected] • • / studysessionyt • / studysessionyt • This video is part of our Numerical Methods course. Numerical methods is about solving math problems through approximating the solution of problems that would be difficult or impossible to solve analytically! • #studysession #numericalmethods #math