TC Electronic SCF Stereo Chorus Pedal Review by Sweetwater Sound
Get the TC Electronic SCF Stereo Chorus+ here: • The TC SCF is a pedal that's enjoyed a long life and for good reason — it's awesome! This is one of the pedals that established TC as a top-shelf pedal company in the '80s; the list of pro users is extensive and iconic. • Pedigree notwithstanding, one listen to this pedal will let you know why it has such a stellar reputation. It only enhances your sound, no matter how you set the controls. Lush and wide, warbly and watery, or barely perceptible, the SCF always adds something special to your sound. • The internal power supply, silent switching and input buffer amp take the clean-factor way up, not only preserving your basic tone but making it just that much better. • When you get something right, there's no need to mess with with it. Such is the case with the TC Electronic SCF, still hand-crafted in Denmark. • Thanks for watching! • -- Don Carr