3D GDS viewer from the IC Design Group University of Twente
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=F4EArOqNNSU
Check the demo video of our 3D GDS viewer. The viewer can be downloaded for free from our website. (http://icd.el.utwente.nl). Now you can see how your IC looks like in real aspect ratios in all 3 dimensions!!!! We use it for design reviews and teaching purposes, its really cool! Written by Michiel Soer and Jasper Velner (PhD students from ICD/Utwente). • The smallest feature in this movie is 65 nanometer. Note that 1 nanometer is one millimeter divided by 1000 and then again divided by 1000! This is the hometown of atoms! Amazing technology, and we are designing in there.. • Come and study Electrical Engineering in Twente and you can be part of this fascinating world!