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Grand Master Epperson is the Original Founder of the M.A.S.T.E.R. System holding the rank of 8th Degree Black Belt, as well as the active President of the World Combat Arts Federation (03' - Present). Grand Master Epperson has been involved in the Martial Arts full time since 1977. During that time partaking in endless, extensive training and research of multiple combat oriented systems with some of the greatest Masters from around the world. Over the last quarter of a century he has earned and been awarded many advanced rankings and titles throughout the Martial Arts communities. Grand Master Epperson teaches one minute techniques in this instructional. • #Judo #JudoThrow #JudoChoke #JudoTechniques #JudoTraining #BJJ #BrazilianJiuJitsu #Grappling #SubmissionWrestling #BJJLife #Aikido #AikidoTechniques #AikidoTraining #AikidoSpirit #AikidoMaster #Hapkido #HapkidoTechniques #HapkidoTraining #HapkidoMaster #HapkidoSelfDefense #Taekwondo #TaekwondoKick #TaekwondoSparring #TaekwondoTournament #TaekwondoBelt #Karate #KarateChops #KarateKicks #KarateKata #KarateTournament #MuayThai #ThaiBoxing #MuayThaiKnees #MuayThaiElbows #MuayThaiTraining #Kickboxing #KickboxingRules #KickboxingMatches #KickboxingTraining #KickboxingGym #Boxing #BoxingMatch #BoxingGloves #BoxingTraining #BoxingGym #KungFu #ShaolinKungFu #WingChun #TaiChi #KungFuMaster #Capoeira #CapoeiraMoves #CapoeiraMusic #CapoeiraAcrobatics #CapoeiraLife #MMA #MixedMartialArts #MMAFighter #MMAFight #MMAEvent #SubmissionWrestling #Grappling #GroundFighting #SubmissionHold #BJJ #Sambo #SportSambo #CombatSambo #SamboTechniques #SamboTraining #Kendo #KendoPractice #KendoTournament #KendoEquipment #KendoSpirit #ShotokanKarate #KarateDo #ShotokanKata #ShotokanKumite #ShotokanTraining #GojuRyuKarate #GojuRyu #HardStyleKarate #GojuRyuTraining #GojuRyuKata #ShorinRyuKarate #ShorinRyu #OkinawanKarate #ShorinRyuTraining #ShorinRyuKata #MartialArts #MartialArtsTraining #MartialArtsLife #MartialArtsJourney #MartialArtsCommunity #MartialArtsTechniques #MartialArtsSkills #UFCHighlights #MMAHighlights #FightTraining #MartialArtsMotivation #UFC2023 #UFCNews #UFCFightNight #UFCPayPerView #UFCHighlights #UFCKnockouts #pentjaksilat #pencaksilat #pencak_silat


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