Spotlight Kaylyn Sahs Original
This is one of the most difficult songs I've ever written in my career so far. I haven't been perfect in this journey. I've made some mistakes and this song came from a hard lesson I had to learn. Even when you're just starting out in this industry, it can be easy to get caught up in all the lights (so to speak) but I wrote this as a reminder to never forget where I came from, to never forget the people who have helped me get this far, and to always remember the One who's really in the Spotlight. And I can tell you right now that it isn't me. • xx, • Kaylyn • Video by: Micah Atkinson • Instagram: @micahatkinson_ • Check out my new single Country Side that I recorded in Nashville, TN and listen to it here: • Let's be friends! • Facebook: / kaylynsahsofficial • Instagram: / kaylynsahs • Twitter: / kaylynsahs