Close Quarters Battle CQB Rōnin
Tu Lam travels across the United States teaching major Law Enforcement departments and military on Close Quarters Battle. In this video, Tu shares his approach on CQB and how he took his operational experience to enhance the success and survivability while conducting operations in these types of environments. • Tu Lam (Retired U.S. Army Special Forces- Green Beret) -23 Years Full Spectrum Warfare, U.S. Army Special Operations worked throughout 27 countries worldwide. Team-Leader assignments in Unconventional Warfare, Foreign Internal Defense, Special Reconnaissance, Hostage Rescue, Direct Action and Counter-Terrorism Operations in permissive and non-permissive environments. Composite Special Forces team training and development team leader. Founder/CEO and Director of Training and Research Development for Rōnin Tactics Inc. • Please signup for our Ronin Newsletter at to receive the latest on training and product release. • You can follow and enroll in our training at: • Ronin Seminars: • Online Training at: https: • Follow us on social media: • INSTAGRAM: Ronin Tactics • FACEBOOK: Ronin Tactics • Webpage: • Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel (Ronin Tactics) for updates on training, gear, and weapon development.