LAB 6 Cấu hình MAIL server trên Linux CentOS 65


=== Mail Server === • == Part 1: Configure SMTP server == • Step 1: Check the presence of postfix (mail) on your system (6:20). • Step 2: Choose your default mail server type (6:31). • Step 3: Modify the main configuration of postfix service ( (7:16). • Step 4: Create the directories to store the mail of users (24:56). • Step 5: Assigns the permission and owner for the above directories and start the postfix service (25:48). • == Part 2: Configure IMAP server == • Step 1: Download and install the necessary packages of dovecot (IMAP server) (28:46). • Step 2: Modify the main configuration file of dovecot service (29:29). • Step 3: Modify the module configuration files of dovecot (30:10). • Step 4: Start the dovecot service. • == Part 3: Configure webmail service == • Step 1: Download and install the necessary packages of squirrelmail (36:28). • Step 2: Modify the configuration file of squirrelmail (39:16). • Step 3: Restart the HTTP service which are the operating environment of SquirrelMail. • Step 4: Access to webmail (43:46 and 45:43). • Step 5: Restart the HTTP service. • Step 6: Turn on the necessary boolean string (SElinux) which permit http service to contact with squirrelmail (49:33). • Step 7: Add one Alias configuration part of squirrelmail to the httpd.conf (50:33). • Step 8: Restart the HTTP, POSTFIX, DOVECOT service and re-access the webmail (57:31). • Step 9: Add the mail users (58:42). • Step 10: login and check the sending of mail between the users (1:02:30). • This is the end of the LAB. Thanks for watching. Like and subscribe to more videos. See you again ^^


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