Playground in My Mind Clint Holmes 1973
Ready to change your life? It all starts with asking yourself the right questions. Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for yt subs): • Your brain is the ULTIMATE supercomputer: processing 2-11 MILLION pieces of information… not every day, not every hour, not even every minute, but every second. That’s between 10 and 50 MILLION pieces JUST in the time you’ve been watching this video. • Here’s the kicker: you’re only conscious of about 40. What the heck? That doesn’t add up. You’re right. Because the other 90%+ is coming from your SUBCONSCIOUS mind. You don’t even know it’s happening because by definition that would be a CONSCIOUS mind. • Why this matters? Here’s the BIGGEST kept secret: when most people try to make a change, they do it consciously. Willpower - Habits, Study, New routines, New Year, etc. But 80% of people fail. Because they’re only FORCING change with that 10%. What if you could tap into the other 90%+? How much faster do you think you could change? • I want to give you a 3-minute mind exercise that will change your life. NO GOING BACK. • #LOA #subconsciousmind • Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for yt subs): • The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making: • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide... • / clarkkegley • / clarkkegley • / theclarkkegley • We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: • • MY FAVORITE TOOLS • 🟣 Book List - read if you want to grow - • 🔴 YouTube Gear - how I film my videos - • 🔴 Studio Gear - make filming easier - • 🟡 Shortform - my fav book summaries - (affiliate) • ⚫️ Notion - my digital second brain - (affiliate) • SOCIAL • / clarkkegley • / clarkkegley • / theclarkkegley • WHO AM I • Hey there, I’m Clark Kegley, a pro drummer turned self-improvement advocate. Here on YouTube, I provide guidance to help you transform into your 2.0 version. • P.S. Some of the links in this description are affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you purchase through them. It's a great way to support the channel at no extra cost to you 👊