TRIP Banjarmasin To Palangkaraya 4 Jam PERJALANAN Darat KALSELTENG Traveling Borneo
A 4-hour road trip from Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan to Palangkaraya City, Central Kalimantan, using the trans-Kalimantan road, which is mostly flat and straight. Passing 3 big bridges crossing the Barito river, 1 big bridge crossing the Kahayan river and finally crossing the Tumbang Nusa bridge or flyover with a bridge length of 10 Km, this is the path that is anticipated and phenomenal. Inaugurated in 2006 by President SBY, this bridge over a flood-prone swamp becomes a very memorable route when we pass through it. There is a rest area on this 10 km long path that can be used for a short break or just to capture the moment of the trip, great. • Thanks for watching don't forget • SUBSCRIBE LIKE COMMENT SHARE • Regards, • ROROKUNLAND • ============================================ • #TravelingMoment #Banjarmasin #Palangkaraya