Male Eastern box turtle
In this video, we're sharing the story of one Eastern box turtle that was saved from the crushing power of car wheels and the harsh environment of the road. This turtle was rescued from being run over by a car and now thanks to the help of a kind passerby, he's safe and sound at the homstead • If you're ever encounter a turtle on a busy road, be sure to give him an opportunity to live! These animals deserve all the love and care we can give them, and sharing their stories helps us do just that. Thanks for watching! • A male eastern box turtle is a type of reptile that belongs to the genus Terrapene. It has a distinctive shell that can close tightly to protect itself from predators. Here are some brief facts about male eastern box turtles: • Male eastern box turtles usually have bright red or orange eyes, while females have brown or yellow eyes¹²³⁴. • Male eastern box turtles have longer and thicker claws on their front feet than females. They use their claws to grab the female's shell during mating and to make sounds to attract them¹²⁵. • Male eastern box turtles have a concave plastron (the lower part of the shell) that fits over the female's flat plastron during mating¹²³⁴. • Male eastern box turtles have a flared carapace (the upper part of the shell) that curves outward at the back, while females have a straight carapace¹². • Male eastern box turtles have larger and flatter heads than females, and a more pointed snout¹². • I hope this helps you learn more about male eastern box turtles. 😊 • Source: Conversation with Bing, 10/8/2023 • (1) How to Tell If your Box Turtle Is Male or Female (+Pictures). • (2) Mr. or Ms. Box Turtle? Five Tips on Identifying Box Turtles’ Gender. • (3) Eastern Box Turtle Care Guide: Everything You Need To Know - Aquariadise. • (4) 8 Amazing Facts About The Eastern Box Turtle. • (5) How To Tell The Gender Of A Box Turtle? – The Turtle Hub.