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Load Balance Nth method on Mikrotik devices • Load balance on mikrotik is a technique for distributing traffic loads on two or more connection lines in a balanced way, so that traffic can run optimally, maximize throughput, minimize response time and avoid overloading one of the connection lines. • There are several kinds of methods for load balancing, one of which is the Nth method which is a feature on the firewall that is used as a counter for data packets or connections (packet new). There are two main parameters of this NTH, namely Every and Packet . • Every is a counter parameter while Packet is a packet pointer how many rules from this NTH will be executed. Thus the use of NTH is done by activating the counter on the mangle, then marked with a 'Route-Mark'. So with this route mark we can use it as a basis for creating a policy route. • ______________________________________ • Related articles and videos that can be studied: • Load Balance method Nth • https://citraweb.com/artikel_lihat.ph... • NTH load balancing with masquerade • https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/NTH_lo... • Mikrotik Load Balance Video Playlist • • Load Balance Mikrotik • ______________________________________ • Purchase network devices via: • https://citraweb.com • Registration for Mikrotik Training from Citraweb: • https://citraweb.com/training.php • Questions regarding technical details can be submitted via Layanan Menu at https://citraweb.com • #Nth #Mangle #PolicyRouting #LoadBalance #KonfigurasiNth #Mikrotik #MikrotikTutorial #MikrotikID #RouterBoard #Citraweb #CitrawebSolusiTeknologi #CST