8 Rules High Value Men Break That Women Are Attracted To
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8 Rules High Value Men Break (That Women Are Attracted To). It's no secret that most women are attracted to men who have the guts to go against the rules. It demonstrates independence, self-assurance, and purpose all at once. • Some of these rule-breakers can be viewed as bad boys, however some are just gentlemen with a little edge. Men who are able to maintain interest while treating women well. Most women find it attractive when someone pushes social limits with their actions. You might not be as big of a rule breaker as you believe, though, if you are a High value man and find yourself breaking these rules without even recognizing it. • High value men disobey social norms and pursue their own paths without regard for the opinions of others. They are independent thinkers who fully value their uniqueness. They put in a lot of work, play, and love. These men defy conventional norms in a special way. They don't necessarily follow a set pattern or be predictable. Yet, women find it impossible to ignore one when they they are around. Let's review 8 rules High value men ALWAYS break that women are attracted to. • #highvalueman #highvaluemen #aperspectivemind