¿Por qué India y Pakistán se odian Historia Bully Magnets
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We told you about a somewhat unknown history in America, we talked about the independence of India and Pakistan, as well as the terror, death and religious war that this caused, accompany us in a story that begins just as a consequence of the end of the Second World War. world and the end of British colonialism. • In this period of Asian history a religious and class war will divide India into bands led by Jawaharlal Nehru and on the other hand Muhammad Ali Jinnah. • Download this video here ► http://bit.ly/2zdGiH5 • Patreon ► / bullymagnets • Go to our official store ► http://bit.ly/2ppiMo6 • We have a book, you can buy it here ► http://bit.ly/2g21o7f • We also have a Podcast channel ► / bullypodcast • FOLLOW US ON OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS • Facebook ► http://on.fb.me/eun1tA • Twitter ► http://bit.ly/gD0BP2 • Tumblr ► / bullymagnets • Visit our official site ► http://www.bullymagnets.com • iTunes podcast ► http://apple.co/1NriVwh • Find us in Claro Video: http://bit.ly/BullyEnClaroVideo