Nightjar Birds Call II Effrctive Sounds


Nightjar Birds Call is an Effrctive Sounds. Nightjars are medium-sized nocturnal or crepuscular birds in the subfamily Caprimulginae and in the family Caprimulgidae, characterised by long wings, short legs and very short bills. They are sometimes called goatsuckers, due to the ancient folk tale that they sucked the milk from goats (the Latin for goatsucker is Caprimulgus), or bugeaters. Some New World species are called nighthawks. The English word 'nightjar' originally referred to the European nightjar. • Nightjars are found around the world except in New Zealand and some islands of Oceania. They are mostly active in the late evening and in early morning or at night, usually nest on the ground, and feed predominantly on moths and other large flying insects. • Most have small feet, of little use for walking, and long pointed wings. Their soft plumage is cryptically coloured to resemble bark or leaves. Some species, unusual for birds, perch along a branch, rather than across it. This helps to conceal them during the day. • The common poorwill, Phalaenoptilus nuttallii, is unique as a bird that undergoes a form of hibernation, becoming torpid and with a much reduced body temperature for weeks or months, although other nightjars can enter a state of torpor for shorter periods. • Nightjars lay one or two patterned eggs directly onto bare ground. It has been suggested that nightjars will move their eggs and chicks from the nesting site in the event of danger by carrying them in their mouths. This suggestion has been repeated many times in ornithology books, but surveys of nightjar research have found very little evidence to support this idea. • Family : Caprimulgidae • Scientific Name : Caprimulgidae • Rank : Family • Higher Classification : Caprimulgiformes • Weight : 79g • Length : 22-24 cm • Kingdom : Animalia • Phylum : Chordata • Class : Aves • Order : Caprimulgiformes • #birdscall #nightjarbirdscall #soundeffects • ......................................................................... • ........................................................................ • Tag also • nightjar,nightjars,bar nightjar,european nightjar,eurasian nightjar,nightjar (organism classification),nightjar's,the nightjars,the nightjar,nightjar bar,nightjar call,birds,sound of a nightjar,audio of a nightjar,bird,nightjar survey network,shu caverns of the nightjars,large tailed nightjar,fiery-necked nightjar,fiery-necked nightjar song,night jar,swallow-tailed nightjar,fiery-necked nightjar call,bar night jar, nightjar, nighrjar birds call, effective sounds,


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