Creative Healing Kelowna Chiropractic Care Animal Chiropractic Horse Adjustment


The Creative Healing Chiropractic Kelowna care team are here to serve people of all ages and walks of life. Before undertaking a personalized program clients must complete a thorough examination including a neuro-spinal scan to help identify all areas of dysfunction, not just the part that hurts. Our chiropractic care programs are personalized to not only meet your health needs but also your lifestyle. • Our passion for helping people allows us to focus our efforts in creating the ultimate healing and long term wellness for each of our clients. • Our goal is to provide the highest quality integrated chiropractic care and health education. Incorporate this into a lifestyle where a healthy diet, exercise, good habits and positive thinking are established and you have a winning recipe for complete wellness! • What is Chiropractic? • Every function in the body, including muscle function, organ function, hormones and circulation are controlled by the nervous system; any interference of this may cause abnormal symptoms or disease. Bones which are jammed up or out of normal position in relation to each other can cause pressure or irritation of nerves. The result is muscle spasm, swelling, pain, and reduced function of tissues and organs. This is called a vertebral subluxation. • Chiropractic is a method of treatment that deals with restoring the important relationship between the spine and the nervous system in order to regain and maintain health. •    / @healingkelowna   • Check Out our Website here...


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