Solo Messer Drills 5
Solo messer drills for langes messer fencing practice. • Thrust and cut from Stier. A basic handling drill for going from a thrust into a cut. Turn with the thrust and step with the cut. • Shove with the crossguard as a follow up from Entrüsthau. This is one of the follow-ups listed in Lecküchner cgm582 25v. The same follow-up exists in the earlier longsword sources too, e.g. Ringeck, but it is actually easier to do with a messer than with a longsword. With a longsword the bind after a Zwerchau may easily be too far away from the crossguard, while with the shorter messer it is much more likely that the bind in close enough to the crossguard for shoving to be possible. • Fehler with entrüsthau Cgm582 27r. In early german fencing manuals, Fehler is the term used for feints, and is usually translated as ‘failing cut’. While the text doesn’t describe the footwork the illustration on 27r shows a gathering step being used. Credit for the interpretation of using the gathering step for Fehler goes to the Messer Fencing channel, where it is shown in the Entrüsthau video ( • Langes Messer Fencing III - Attacking... ). • Pretend to make a cut from your right and make a gathering step with your right foot. If your opponent moves to parry, don’t complete the cut and instead make a left Entrüsthau and step forward with your left foot. • One advantage of combining the feint with the gathering step is that it gives you more options, when the opponent isn’t falling for the feint. For example, from the gathering step you can chose to complete the cut from the right, or step back again with a defensive cut. Just don’t stay with your feet together as that is an unstable position. • Gefehrhau, Cgm582 29r. Make a vertical cut with the long edge, keeping the hand high. Even though Lecküchner tells us to angle the point down, don’t overextend your wrist. The cut is most easily done from Luginsland or from the shoulder. Gefehrhau is the master cut that correspond to Scheitelhau in longsword. Lecküchner doesn't give Gefehrhau a lot of attention, only 2 pages. The application on 29r is as a counter to Bastei, mirroring Scheitelhau against Alber in longsword. • • More solo messer drills: • Solo langes messer drills • Descriptions of guards and positions used: • • Lecküchner's langes messer guards • • Lecküchner's secondary langes messer ... • Images from Cgm 582 are courtesy of Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.