Clinopyroxene tutorial Optical mineralogy
Several videos of clinopyroxenes in thin section, showing typical textures and optical characteristics. Supported by Boise State University and the US National Science Foundation. • Key characteristics: High relief, kind of crappy cleavage c. 90°-90°, faint green pleochroism, low to moderate interference colors, inclined extinction • 00:00 End section showing two cleavages • 00:31 Elongate prism, slight pleochroism, inclined extinction • 01:01 Different orientations showing different interference colors • 01:32 Different orientations showing slight pleochroism • 02:02 Higher relief than adjacent hornblende (and quartz) • 02:33 Higher relief than adjacent actinolite (and quartz) • 03:03 Omphacite (high-pressure sodic pyroxene) in an eclogite • 03:34 Omphacite with exsolution • 04:04 High-temperature pyroxene with oxide exsolution