289 City Resilience in Colombia Santiago Uribe Rocha

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Santiago Uribe Rocha (Chief Resilient Officer of Medellin, Colombia) • As Executive Director at Medellín Resilience Office Corporation, Santiago Uribe Rocha’s work focuses on neighborhood transformations, violence prevention, and urban renovations. He is particularly passionate about urban participatory planning and local communities’ engagement. Santiago wants to excite as many local stakeholders as possible for the decision-making process and values co-operation in designing and implementing programs, activities, public policies, and the infrastructure of Medellín. • I asked him the following questions:-Why do cities need to do urban participatory planning and local communities’ engagement? What do they gain?-Tell us about projects that you work with on neighborhood transformation in Colombia, violence prevention, and urban renovations.-How did one of the most dangerous and criminal cities in the world Medellín (A city in Colombia) nbsp;become so peaceful? • In collaboration with-H22 City Expo at Helsingborg. The Making of a Smarter City.-Urban Future Global Conference-AFRY. AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. • Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episodeMustafa Sherif Linkedin • Visit nbsp; nbsp;Mustafasherif.com nbsp;for collaborations and nominations or just email me at nbsp;[email protected] • Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.Follow Urbanistica nbsp;and let's get in touch:ClubhouseInstagramFacebookYoutube channel • Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY nbsp;https://afry.com/en


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