Alternative career options for dentists amp healthcare in Canadaprograms at Community CollegePART34


Part 3 of this 4 video series- If you are a dentist, doctor, healthcare worker, thinking of immigrating in Canada as an international student, this video will give you all the information that you will need. I will walk you through all career options available to you in Community Colleges so that you are not stuck with MHA and MPH as only options available (which barely give you job opportunities). Please allow me to give you highlights of each program and career options available through Nova Scotia Community College so that you make a well informed choice and choose a career which you will actually enjoy. • Checkout my Udemy full course on how to ace competitive exam using this link - • Please join my complete Dental School Interview prep course on Udemy link - • Follow us on Instagram-   / teachodontist   • (we do Instagram Live on Saturdays) • Follow our Facebook page-   / teachodontist   • Did you watch the previous video- • Masters in Canada for international dentist and health professionals- Good? Jobs? College option?-    • Masters in Canada for international d...   • Dental Hygienist and Dental Assistant career options for international dentists-    • Dental Hygiene or Dental Assistant as...   • NEXT VIDEO will be AWESOME- I will show you all possible career options that you did not think about. I will show each program that I recommend from Community Colleges and why they are so great? • If there is still any doubt, please post in the comment below and I would be happy to reply or create another video. Please feel free to skip to the section which is more pertinent to you. Make sure you hit like on this video and let me know in the comment if there is some information that I missed. Also, let me know what other videos and information would you like me to deliver. Share with #samteachodontist • Please make sure to watch my other videos on my journey from India as a BDS and general dentist towards studying DDS at Dalhousie University, Canada. I am currently working as a professor at Nova Scotia Community College. I am happy to offer some insightful information on studying in Canada as an international student, in my upcoming videos. So please subscribe to my channel and notifications. • Here is a link to my instagram page-   / sam.teachod.  . • My other popular videos- • Study DDS in Canada as international dentist-    • STUDY DDS IN CANADA - DDS ADMISSION G...   • How I studied for AFK to get 93 marks-    • Vlog 24: Score 90+ on NDEB AFK with t...   • Day in life of a DDS student in Canada -    • Vlog 23: Hindi: Day in life or a DDS ...  


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